About Me


Hi Dear Reader.

My name is Juanita, I live in the Netherlands with my husband and son. I have been thinking about starting a book blog for a while now and finally stopped telling myself all the reasons why I shouldn't do it, and started telling myself all the positive reasons why I should do it.

My reading story: I have always loved reading, it has been a big part of my life. I remember as a little girl devouring one book after the other, throughout my teenage years and then as an adult still loving to escape to the pages of a great read. Then around 2014/2015 I hit a huge reading slump, I was lucky if I could finish at least one book in a year. I couldn't even call myself a reader anymore. This continued until the end of 2019, when I was finally able to read more than one book. Since then my reading count increased every year. Book blogs, booktube and bookstagram helped me rediscover my love for reading. If this blog can help at least one person rediscover their love for reading, it will be worth it all.

Thank you dear reader for taking the time to read my book opinions. And I truly hope you find your next great read amongst all the recommendations.

Happy Reading!
