In My Dreams I Hold A Knife by Ashley Winstead Review


They were the East House Seven, ten years ago one of them was murdered... A college reunion, six friends reunited and someone who is not able to let the murder of Heather Shelby go unsolved. Now, this someone is ready to take things into their own hands and trap the real killer before the end of the reunion...

I enjoy to pair books with the audiobook as I feel that I can concentrate better on the story and characters. With this one it was difficult because the book and audio differ at times, which confused me, so I dropped the audiobook and read the story. 

The first 100 pages of In My Dreams I Hold A Knife by Ashley Winstead was very slow, I had a hard time connecting with the book, but after those 100 pages, things got interesting and the pace picked up. Told in dual timelines and from multiple POV's. I found the characters not likeable at all, I kept wondering, "With friends like these, who needs enemies?", but it worked. This made me suspect each and every one of them being guilty at one point or the other. Jessica Miller is our MC, but the whole group is key to the story, so I saw all of them as "important" characters.   

The first part of the mystery was some what predictable, if you keep track of all the POV's stories, you can figure out who the killer was, but the final twist I did not see coming at all. The author completely caught me off guard and I loved it. I really enjoyed this book and thought that as a debut novel, the author did a really good job. 

I am looking forward to read her latest book, The last housewife, released 16 August 2022.

I rated this book 4 out of 5 stars!

