It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover

It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover was my second book by this author. I am not really sure how to talk about this book without spoiling anything for those who haven't read it. Though I think, I might be the last person on the planet to read this recently. So I might be safe, but will still be careful with my review. 

We follow Lily, she truly hasn't had an easy life while growing up, after graduation, she packs up and moves to Boston in the hope that she can start a new life and her own business. Here she meets Ryle Kincaid, a neurosurgeon, he seems to be everything she wants, but his aversion to relationships complicate things. Ryle realizes that Lily is all he desires and their relationship kicks off...that is until childhood friend, Atlas, appears on the scene...

This book has a lot of hype and in some ways I can truly understand the talk up around this novel. Colleen Hoover takes a very sensitive subject and writes a book that is first of all, a real page turner and second, makes you think about the story for a long time after you read the book. There were so many quotes I would have loved to share in my review, but I feel that they will take away from the reader, reading this book for the first time. I didn't know much going into this novel, I had a vague idea, and I think that is how it should be experienced. 

It is not your normal, "fluffy cloud" romance novel. Not the kind of book everyone will like. The story is told from Lily's point of view and we get diary/letter entries through out the book, from her past. The characters were likable, but you also have your characters, you most certainly will dislike. There might be times you would want to, if possible, shake Lily a little bit. But her character turns out to be very strong and that I appreciate from this novel. I am honest when I say, that at some points, the story lost me a little bit. There were a few cringy parts in my opinion, some of the dialogue just felt off...if that makes sense. But other than that, I liked this book. 

It was an easy read, meaning, though it has a heavy subject, I flew through the pages. Will probably, very soon, try another Colleen Hoover book.

I rated this book 4 out of 5 stars! 

P.S I would recommend to look up trigger warnings for sensitive readers!
