The One by John Marrs Review


What if you had the opportunity to find The One...? Yes, you can find your soul mate and know with 100% certainty that the two of you are destined to be together for the rest of your lives, no more bad dates or heartbreaks. All you need to do is a DNA test and you will find your match. Will you take the chance? 

The One was my first introduction to the work of John Marrs and it won't be the last. This book has so many genres thrown into one novel. You are looking at a Thriller/Science Fiction/Dystopian Fiction/Psychological Fiction, I think there is something for everyone within this novel. Written with multiple POV's, we follow 5 characters, Mandy, Christopher, Nick, Jade and Ellie. All of these characters took the test to be matched with their forever, other half. 

From the moment I picked up this book I was completely hooked. This book had me tell myself, just one more chapter, then, just one more. Every chapter ended with a cliffhanger and I just couldn't stop, I needed to know what happened next. And because you read from five different perspectives, it takes a while to get back to the character you want to know more about...and by the time you reach that character' story again, there is already another part you want to know more about. Needless to say, in the end it was unputdownable, which means that I flew through the pages. 

I found this to be very original, I haven't read anything like this before. It kept my interest and made my jaw drop to the floor a few times. I had a love/hate relationship with the characters and they were definitely memorable. I, of course had my favorite out of the 5, and one character who made me feel very uncomfortable at times, but the story wouldn't be the same if any one of them were taken away. I feel that the author did an amazing job with this book, it was full of unforeseen twists, turns and dark thrills. 

I rated this book 4 out of 5 stars!

The reason I gave it a 4 and not a 5 is because, there were a few chapters about halfway through the book, which felt a little repetitive and the book lost me there for a few pages, but the author pulled me right back in and I still loved this book and will recommend this read. 
