The Push by Ashley Audrain Review

I recently read The Push by Ashley Audrain and I can't stop thinking about this book. I can't believe this is only a debut novel. 

Blythe is looking forward to being the loving mother to her baby, that she never had as a child. When Violet is born, Blythe can't seem to connect with her daughter the way she wanted to, she starts to think there might be something wrong with Violet...her daughter acts in ways which is not normal. Her husband says it is all in Blythe's Fox right? Fast forward and Sam is born, Blythe instantly has the connection with her child she always dreamed about. She loves Sam and he is her whole world. Then one day this family's lives are turned upside down and Blythe is not sure what the truth is anymore...

I don't really know what I can say about this book that hasn't been said before. I can only give you my opinion and tell you about my experience while reading this novel. For starters, it took me a while to pick up this book. I felt a little intimidated and wasn't sure if this would be something I could enjoy. But I am so glad that I finally caved and read it. 

This is marketed as a thriller, though, I found it to be more of a psychological drama. This book messed with me in ways I will never ever forget. 

It took me about three chapters to get used to the author's writing style, and WOW, she wrote an amazing book in an amazing way. Once I got going I couldn't put it down. Not only do we learn about Blythe and Violet's relationship and their connection, but we learn of generations of mothers and daughters. I found this book to have so many layers and it delved into deeper, heart wrenching topics. At times dark, disturbing and tense... 

I wish I can say more about this book, but then I will spoil the entire story. I think this will make an excellent book club pick/buddy read. There are so much that can be discussed within this book.

One of my favorite quotes from the book "A mother's heart breaks a million ways in her lifetime". 

As a mother, I found this book difficult to read at times, I am not going to lie, some scenes hit me really hard and some scenes made me feel very unsettled. I can appreciate that this novel won't be for everyone. 

I rated this 5 out of 5 stars! I think it deserves more than 5 stars...

I read this in ebook format, but I just had to purchase a physical copy for my bookshelf. 
