Fall Of Giants by Ken Follett Review

It took me a while to finish this book, not due to disliking it, but due to life happening. Now I can finally share my thoughts on Fall of Giants by Ken Follett.

This novel tells us about the events leading up to World War 1 and the Russian Revolution, as well as parts of the Women Rights Movement. We follow 5 families through these events, from 1911 until 1924. Circumstances have these families lives intertwined in one way or another, whether it is due to love or hardship or betrayal...

It was my first novel by Ken Follett, I have had my eye on his books for a while now, but they have always intimidated me. But I finally decided that it is now or never and I was not disappointed. 

Let's start with the audiobook, I paired it with the physical copy and without a doubt the audiobook receives 5 stars! The narrator did a fantastic job and he made the characters come to life with different accents for each nationality. It was amazing! I highly recommend the audio.

Ken Follett's writing was outstanding, the storyline and characters completely captivated me. These characters felt so real, I enjoyed getting to know each one of them. I didn't like all of them, but the way the author described these characters, you can completely understand why they do what they do and what motivates them to make their decisions, whether you agree with it or not. His writing paints a picture, everything is described in so much detail, you can clearly see the scene playing out in front of you. 

What I really enjoyed about this novel was that it didn't only focus on the war itself, it tells us about the political side as well, even before the war starts. You receive information from all sides to fully understand what led to the war and the revolution. This novel even made me read up more about the Russian Revolution, I always knew about the event, but never in much detail. After reading Fall of Giants I did some more research on the topic. I love it when a book can do that!

I will most certainly be reading book 2 in this trilogy very soon.

I rated this ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5 stars!

