Cleopatra's Vendetta by Avanti Centrae Review

First of all, I would like to thank the author Avanti Centrae and her publishers for gifting me a copy of Cleopatra's Vendetta in exchange for an honest review.

In this novel, we follow Tim Stryker, Special Ops Agent, whose wife and daughter was kidnapped while on vacation. In his search for his family, he discovers a string of assassinations and a new hit planned in only seven days, all linked to the kidnappers, who is also in search of Cleopatra's hidden secrets...

It took me a while to get into this read, written from multiple POV's, I was a little confused at times, but as I got used to the author's writing and figured out the characters, it was easier to keep track of the cast. This is the kind of novel where you would have to really pay attention and not get distracted, because so much happens, if you miss out on one little detail, you will feel completely lost. 

The novel reads like an action packed movie, many bullets flying, explosions, car crashes etc. If that is your thing, you will certainly enjoy this book. The writing of the author was done really well, it was an interesting read and very entertaining. 

That being said, the history on Cleopatra is what drew me to the novel and I truly wish that she had a bigger role in the book. I would have loved to read more about her story and ancient Egypt. 

I rated this book ⭐⭐⭐💫 out of 5 stars, rounded to 4 stars on goodreads!
