One By One - by Ruth Ware Review


One by One - by Ruth Ware

Shareholders and employees of the successful music-app, Snoop, gathers at an exclusive alpine ski resort for a week to decide the future of the company. A shareholder goes missing, then an avalanche cuts off the chalet from the outside world, and one by one the co-workers are found dead...who can be trusted?

This was my introduction to the author, Ruth Ware. I have heard so many mixed reviews about her work, I wasn't sure in which direction my rating will go and I was truly curious to find out. I read the e-book and when I finished, I immediately purchased a physical copy for my bookshelf. That in it-self should say enough...but let me share my thoughts.

It took me a few chapters to get into this one, not because I didn't enjoy it, but because you are bombarded with so many characters all at once. But when I figured out who was who, I was completely sucked in and couldn't stop reading.

The story is told from two perspectives, Erin(one of the staff members) and Liz(the co-worker/shareholder). Many of these characters has motive to kill, you are not sure who can be trusted or even liked. The plot moves along fairly quickly, as it all unfolds and more secrets come to light, you realize it is predictable in some ways and not a mind-blowing book, but my goodness, it is a very addictive, entertaining and fun read, that kept me up until one in the morning.

I rated this ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5 stars!
