Pride and Premeditation by Tirzah Price Review

Pride And Premeditation by Tirzah Price

16 year old Lizzie Bennett wants nothing more than to join her father's law firm as a solicitor. So when Mr. Bingley is accused of murdering his brother-in-law, Lizzie wants to take on the case and prove to everyone that she is able to do the job, bur Mr. Bingley already has a lawyer working on the case, his friend Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. That doesn't stop Lizzie and soon she finds herself trying to solve the mystery before Mr. Darcy can...

I can't compare this to the classic by Jane Austen, as I have never read Pride and Prejudice. I should be ashamed, I apart from the characters, I will have no idea if this is truly a re-telling with a twist.

But I can say that it was a cute, little cozy mystery, which I devoured in two sittings. These kinds of books are always difficult to rate and write down my thoughts. Though they are light reads and at times maybe a little funny, they are very predictable. And for some reason I do love these kind of stories every now and again. Mostly I think it is because my usual reads are very dark and sometimes heavy.

I enjoyed Tirzah Price's writing style, it took me about 3 chapters to get into the novel, but once the story got going I wanted to finish it. These are very likable characters, with your normal bad guy in the mix. If you are looking for a quick, light read, I would recommend this book.

I rated this ⭐⭐⭐💫 out of 5 stars, rounded to 4 on Goodreads!

