I Know Who You Are by Alice Feeney Review

I Know Who You Are by Alice Feeney

Who is Aimee Sinclair? She is an actress, people recognize her, but they are not completely sure where from. One evening Aimee comes home to discover that her husband is missing. The police suspects Aimee has something to do with it and they are sure she is hiding something. Aimee does have a secret, but it is not what they think it is. But someone knows who she is and what she did...

It is no secret that I absolutely adore Alice Feeney's books. She is an author I will read anything and everything from. I, of course have my favorites and least favorite of her books, but that won't stop me from reading her novels. She writes amazing psychological thrillers, they are dark, with jaw-dropping twists. And then sometimes, they completely mess with your mind and you are not sure what you read. 

I Know Who You Are have many mixed reviews and many state that the final twist is far fetched. Now, I completely agree with this fact, it is more than unbelievable, but the entire book kept me on the edge of my seat, turning the pages, wanting to know what is going to happen to Aimee. And for that reason I can completely live with a crazy ending. In my opinion, fiction books doesn't always have to be 100% believable.

As with many of Alice Feeney's books, you are never sure which of the characters can be trusted. They are rarely likeable characters. And sometimes you might like a character and then realize the character played you the entire book. And the same goes vice versa...I love the characters she creates. They are completely messed up, and that makes awesome stories. 

I am very sad to know, that I have now completely ran out of Feeney books, I have read every single one and hope that she will be releasing a new book very soon! While I wait, I will probably have to re-visit some of my favorite reads. 

I rated this book ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5 stars!
