Just The Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica Review


Just The Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica

This was my first ever buddy read and my first Mary Kubica book. The buddy read was a lot of fun, but this book most definitely was not. But let us start at the beginning...

Nina and Jake Hayes has a heated argument and when Jake doesn't come home, Nina thinks he has decided to leave her. But she soon realizes that her husband is missing. Lily Scott, one of Nina's friend' and coworker, thinks she was the last person to see Jake before he went missing. Lily confesses it all to her husband, Christian and the two decide that it will be better to keep the truth hidden. Where is Jake and does Lily know something...?

I have heard great things about Mary Kubica's books, so it was really a no-brainer to join this buddy read. And on top of that the premise of this novel sounded really good. 

Boy, was I wrong! This was such a disappointment. We receive alternating chapters from Christian and Nina's POV's. The characters throughout this novel make really horrible choices, mistake after mistake. And nothing ever really makes sense. You receive a whole lot of information, but in the end you realize it was all useless info. The twists were very predictable and by the end of the book, everything fell flat. I was left with more questions than answers. Everything about this book was very underwhelming.

By the time I reached the last page, I was really glad it was over. This was not my cup of tea.

I am going to give the author a second chance, because I am still curious to know, why so many people love her books. I do not want to judge her writing based on this novel. 

I rated this ⭐ out of 5 stars!
