Murder Against The Odds by Janice Frost Review


First of all, I would like to thank Joffe Books and NetGalley for an ARC copy of Murder Against The Odds by Janice Frost to read and review.

Special Constable Jane Bell investigates noises reported in a local park, she discovers an abandoned newborn baby girl in a storage box. Detective Steph Warwick is called out on the same night, to a murder scene of a coach driver in an alley. Are these two crimes linked in any way? These two ladies will find out soon...

This was my first book by the author, even though it is part of a series and is the third book, I didn't feel like I missed anything. In my opinion this can be read as a stand-alone, but at the same time, things were mentioned in this book(as part of an explanation of previous events) that piqued my interest to read the first and second book very soon. 

I found the writing of the author really well done, it was an easy read but at the same time very gripping. Every time I picked up the book to read, I completely forgot about the world around me. The twists and turns of the mystery, kept me turning the pages. Her storytelling completely captivated me. I loved the characters Janice Frost created, Jane Bell and Steph Warwick, each of them struggling with their own insecurities, and that made it possible to connect with these fictional minds. These characters felt completely real and believable. 

Many events take place within this novel and many issues are covered, which at some point felt a little overwhelming and a lot of information to absorb, if that makes sense...but it didn't take anything away from the overall plot of the story.

I rated this ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5 stars!
