The Girls Who Disappeared by Claire Douglas Review


The Girls Who Disappeared by Claire Douglas

Four girls were driving home after a night out...a car accident happened...three of the girls went missing...only Olivia was found. One horrible night turns into a twenty year mystery. Jenna, a journalist is intrigued by this mystery and wants to find out more about the night of the accident. She visits the small town and soon her own life is threatened, someone wants her to leave...

I am a little on the fence about this book...though I found it enthralling from the get go, somewhere along the line something happened. I can't say it went downhill, because it was still an entertaining read, but it lost something...but what was it? Its thrill?

I truly enjoyed this novel from page one, I wanted to know more about the accident and the small town. Alternating between Olivia(the only survivor of that night) and Jenna(the journalist) POV's, But then every now and again, we receive a chapter from the past, about a group of people in Thailand. The writing was done really well, some parts made me feel very unsettled, it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck and I loved every single minute. 

But then the last third of the book was predictable, but that still wasn't the reason I felt it is missing something. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I still wanted to read up to the last page, so it definitely kept my interest. When I finished the book I felt...not disappointed...not unsatisfied, I just wanted more, and I am not sure what that more is. 

Maybe I am confusing myself, and probably everyone reading this review, so I will say, overall I enjoyed this book. It wasn't my favorite thriller ever, but it was good-ish....

I rated this ⭐⭐⭐💫 ouf of 5 stars! Rounded to 4 on Goodreads. 
