The Locked Door by Freida McFadden Review


Nora was eleven when she learned that her father was not the man she thought. He was killing women in the basement for many years. Now, 26 years later, her father behind bars for life, and Nora a successful surgeon, she discovers that one of her female patients was the exact same way as her father killed his victims. Nobody knows that Nora is the daughter of the known serial killer and she intends to keep it that way. But with everything happening, Nora can't help but think that someone knows who she truly is. And they want to have her take the fall for this crime...

Well, here I am once again, not sure if I am going left, right or staying on the fence. I was very excited to read this novel, especially after loving The Housemaid. Don't get me wrong, this was entertaining, but the first 200 pages felt like I was just barely invested enough to keep reading. At times I truly felt bored, then the last 100 pages came along and everything happened so fast, the twist was predictable and by the last chapter, I truly felt that I had enough. 

Now, days, no, nearly a week after completing this book, I am sitting here trying to figure out what to say, and I still don't know. I did enjoy the author's writing and I most certainly am going to keep reading her other novels. I truly enjoyed the chapters from Nora's past, even though we already know her father is a killer, in those chapters many other things comes to light. The present chapters, was  a different story, I found some very intriguing and others completely had my mind wander. I had to back track a few times for this reason. I didn't like the characters, I can live with unlikable characters, but this was different. I felt like Nora's character was all over the place.

This felt like an average thriller, it didn't blow my mind and it is not crazy memorable, but I found it alright. 

I rated this ⭐⭐⭐ out of 5 stars!
