Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens Review

Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

She is known as the "Marsh Girl", the barefoot, wild girl in a small fishing village. But Kya Clark is not who they think she is, she is so much more. She knows how the world works and knows her way around nature. Then in late 1969, Chase Andrews is found dead at Barkley Cove and Kya is blamed for his murder...did she do it?

I am not sure why it took me so long to read this book. I was afraid I won't like it, all the negative reviews made me second guess my own taste in books. Now, I can sit here and tell you that I am not sure why this book has so many negative reviews. This is another book I will never forget and Kya Clark is another fictional character, I will take a bullet for. 

I loved everything about this book, it made me feel all the emotions and when it came to Kya, I wanted to take her out of those pages and keep her safe. This book made me think of how nasty the world can be. We don't know someone, but we are quick to judge and raise our opinions because someone is different. Why do we do that?

The writing of the author was something to get used to, but once I got going, there was no stopping me. The pages were turning themselves and before I knew it, I was at the end and I felt sad that I had to turn the last page on Kya's story. I would have loved to stay with her for a little while longer. She was a strong female character, with everything she had to endure, she stayed true to herself. She got up every time the world threw something at her. 

I will forever remember this book.

I rated this ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5 stars!
