A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman Review

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

Meet Ove, he is the kind of man who likes things done a certain way. He has old school manners and want the world to work a different way. Does that make him a grumpy old man? Behind Ove's hard exterior lies a story...a story that needs to be heard, because this old man has another side that is worth getting to know. 

Well, this was the second time in my life that a book made me cry. Guess I am turning into a piece of mush...Now I am going to sound like a broken record, because here we have another book that is going to stay with me for a very, very long time. It has now been added to my most favorite reads ever!

From the get go, this book had my attention. It was heartwarming, funny and sad. I had a rollercoaster ride of emotions with this one. I loved, loved, LOVED, this book! Do I need to say again, how much I loved this book? 

Fredrik Backman has a way with words, this was my second novel by the author and so far, I am not disappointed. He definitely has talent and his books and words make me care about the story and the characters. 

Throughout the novel, I had laughs, teary eyes, awwww moments and then came the last 70 pages of this book and let me tell you, things got really messy. Not with the book...but me. Tears were streaming down my face, I had to put the book down every two sentences to dry my eyes and blow my nose, then I realized I am going to read forever at this rate. So I gave up and just let the tears flow...then through my tears and snot, I suddenly had bursts of laugh out loud moments, because apparently, that is what Fredrik Backman does to someone. Luckily I was at home and not in public...

When I finished the novel, I sat on my bed, crying like a crazy person, because I know Ove, I feel like he is part of my family.

Book hangovers? Yes, they are real. I am currently stuck and can't move on from this book. I have been trying the whole weekend without any success. Well done, Mr. Backman, standing ovation, not many authors can make this happen. 

If you haven't read this book yet, you have to pick it up immediately and read it. 

I rated this ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5 stars!
