Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty Review

I am probably the last person on this planet to read Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty.

A while back I made a post on my bookstagram, Popular Authors but New To Me, who do I read from first?... The options were Megan Miranda and Liane Moriarty, I have heard great things about both these authors, but never actually read one of their books.

The bookstagram community chose Liane Moriarty and I am truly glad they did. This book had me from the get go. It grabbed my attention from the very first page and held my interest until the very last sentence. And one of the twists had my jaw literally drop to the floor...I didn't see it coming.

The writing style was very interesting, I was completely able to connect with these characters. They seemed so believable. I loved all the drama, I had a rollercoaster ride with this one...I was angry, sad, happy, and believe it or not...even laughing at some and with these characters. The author took on many issues within this novel, such as, bullying and abuse. I truly thought it was done really well.


I completely understand why this book is so hyped and I think it deserves all the love it gets. 

I am going to work my way through the author' other books, hoping to love them all. A physical copy of this book is going to make its way onto my bookshelf very soon.

I rated this ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5 stars!
